Haier Smart Home unveils its first scenario brand Sanyiniao (Three Winged Bird)
Haier Smart Home unveils its first scenario brand Sanyiniao (Three Winged Bird) on September 13 2020. This is believed to be a crucial step of Haier to transform from a home appliance manufacturer to a scenario solution provider. The brand paves the way for the company to grow in the IoT era.
Huawei Harmony 2.0 OS to partner with home appliance manufacturers
Huawei Harmony 2.0 OS will partner with home appliance manufacturers including Midea, Joyoung and Robam to roll out Harmony OS-powered home appliances, according to the announcement made by Wang Chenglu, President of Huawei’s consumer business software department, at the Huawei Develop Conference 2...
BSH Home Appliances opens its largest global R&D center in China
BSH Home Appliances opens its largest global R&D center in Nanjing, China on September 22 2020. The new center covers a floor area of 47,000 square meters and costs 0.4 billion Yuan.
Read More →Midea Group recognized as a “lighthouse” in manufacturing by world economic forum’s global lighthouse network
The World Economic Forum released 10 new lighthouse factory members of its global lighthouse network, among which the Midea Group’s household air-conditioning factory located in Nansha, Guangzhou was selected. It is the first time Midea Group is selected to become a member of this esteemed network....
Galanz to buy 61% stake of Whirlpool China
Whirlpool China had in hand a tender offer from Chinese home appliance maker Galanz for a partial acquisition, according to the announcement of the company made on August 23 2020. On August 26, it announced that, Galanz offered to buy 61% stake of it at CNY 5.23 apiece.
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