Source: CHEAA-run China Appliance magazine
CHEAA standard T/CHEAA 0001.2-2020 Cloud to cloud interconnection for smart household appliances Part 2: Information security technical requirements and assessment models has been officially released on August 25 2020 and has since taken effect. The standard is an iteration of the previous T/CHEAA 0001.2-2019 Cloud to cloud interconnection for smart household appliances-Part 2: Requirements for the competence of information security.
The Cloud to Cloud interconnection (CIC) technical requirements provide a set of unified technical standards to safeguard the interests of enterprises and curb the risks of information leakage. The revised version makes structural adjustments to the text while revise the content. The revisions include alterations to the first chapter-scope, the addition of assessment methods, the addition of applicable scenarios of assessment methods, the addition of the overall structure of CIC interconnection, the addition of special requirements for user data and privacy protection, and the addition of information security assessment methods. Plus, it transfers special requirements for user data and privacy protection to the text from the appendix.
The revised standard specifies the technical requirements and assessment methods for the interface and other related parts of connected cloud platforms. The assessment methods it offers can be adopted by third parties or manufacturers themselves to do an assessment, but it’s worth noting that the standard does not involve other parts of cloud platforms except for the CIC.
Joining hands with mainstream enterprises, CHEAA has established a CIC standard system that consists of basic models and technical requirements, information security technical requirements and assessment methods, and user interface design guidelines.
Members of drafting committee include Tuya, Haier U+, Midea, Xlink, BSH, Konka, TCL, Homme of Changhong, Juconnect of Hisense, Aux, Lenovo, Whirlpool and Galanz.