Source: Yicai

(Yicai Global) April 7 -- As China’s first set of independently-developed standards for virtual reality (VR) technology, the generic standards for the VR headset display standardization union developed by a group of organizations led by the China Electronics Standardization Institute (CESI) have been officially released in Beijing, reported.

The standards have been developed to standardize and guide the design, production, testing and experimentation of various VR headset display devices, said Lin Ning, party secretary at CESI, at a press conference yesterday.

The standards set out performance definitions and display and measurement methods for external, built-in and molded head-mounted displays, covering all VR headset products available in the market, Lin stated.

They were jointly developed by 11 standards organizations including CESI, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Xiaomi Technology Co. and Beijing Baofeng Mojing Technology Co., he added. CESI will also take the lead in the development of national standards for VR content and other VR related products and services in future.