China released a new mandatory standard of Energy Efficiency Limits and Grades for Air Purifiers on September 30, 2016, and has been seeking public opinions from September 30 to October 31. The new standard identifies three grades to evaluate the energy efficiency level of an air purifier: Grade1, as most energy efficient level, requires an energy efficiency ratio (EER) equivalent to or more than 11 m3/(W•h); Grade 2 requires an EER equivalent to or more than 8 m3/(W•h); Grade 3, as the limit, requires an EER equivalent to or more than 4 m3/(W•h). It sparked heated discussion throughout the industry. National Technical Committee for Standardization of Energy Management is set to compile public opinions and measure them thoroughly to prepare itself for further work that lies ahead. The new standard is scheduled to be submitted for approval at the end of 2016.