On June 27, 2023, AWE, a top 3 global show for home appliances and consumer electronics industry that is renowned as a barometer of industry development, officially released an industry report titled “Empowering Life with Technology: A User-centric Path to Innovation & Progress—AWE Report on Industry Trends.” Below are some excerpts from the report. The complete content is available on the official AWE website (https://en.awe.com.cn/contents/105/16390.html). 

Amidst great anticipation, AWE2023 was held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre from April 27 to 30, marking its return after a two-year hiatus. With 13 halls across the 150,000 m2 venue, the event gathered a live audience of 350,000 and over 1,000 exhibitors, setting new records across the board.

What truly makes AWE2023 great is the high-tech products brought by more than one thousand exhibitors. With their best offerings, these top players turned the event into a massive platform showcasing future life scenarios, paying tribute to a better life.

The exhibitors impressed us with their fantastic products developed during the last two years, which signal the future path of the industry, as well as the lifestyle trends of tomorrow. Of the many original technologies and products that appeared at AWE2023, most revolve around user demands, providing innovative solutions.

AWE2023 fostered a culture of innovation that allows innovators to take pride in what they built. Today, Chinese home appliance brands and manufacturers are exploring user-centered innovation, as they offer versatile solutions.

Two major factors have motivated the industry’s pursuit of user-centered innovation.

First, the diverse, multi-tiered user demands in China are the source of innovation for home appliance and consumer electronics brands. From mere imitation to breakthroughs in specific areas, and then to scalable innovation capabilities, the key lies in innovating around user demands.

Second, home appliance and consumer electronics companies have become mature innovators. Committed to constant innovation based on user demands, they continue to upgrade their products, instead of stopping exploration when there is no positive market feedback.

In light of these two factors, we believe that the industry’s future development will not be limited solely to its own breakthroughs and innovations. As mentioned above, thanks to active users with varying demands, companies have evolved into sophisticated innovators with sound strategies. This will transform the industry into one of the best platforms for cross-sector technological implementation.

As business players continue to expand their horizons and explore user-centered innovation, we have noticed that the AWE platform, driven by the above trend, has embraced other sectors. Huawei, for instance, has become a major exhibitor at AWE, showcasing their brand-new Whole House Smart Space 3.0, smart experiences covering both the home life and office routines, as well as the HiCar people-car-home connectivity solution for all scenarios. Recognizing the potential of the home appliance industry, sensor and chip makers also attended AWE2023 to seek breakthroughs and opportunities for cooperation. Automobiles, which now come with built-in new technologies and consumer electronics, are no longer just a means of transportation but have fostered in-car living scenarios.

This is why we are convinced that in the future, as the Chinese home appliance and consumer electronics industry embraces more cutting-edge technologies through user-centered innovation, our at-home experiences will be significantly enhanced.

At AWE2023, we summarized ten major industry trends for your reference. All these trends will reshape our ways of life.

Trend 1: From Flashy Technologies to Smart Daily Applications

Trend 2: The Return to Core Product Value Powered by Technological Upgrades

Trend 3: Digital Life Brought by the Leap from Real to Virtual

Trend 4: Smart Applications Penetrating All Fields

Trend 5: From Product Packages to Scenario-specific Applications, Capturing Users with Hardcore Features

Trend 6: Embracing Green Lifestyles

Trend 7: The Shift Towards Health Management in Product Development

Trend 8: Meeting Individualized User Demands Across All Segments

Trend 9: Integration and Reorganization to Incorporate More Technologies

Trend 10: Unveiling the Beauty Within, Design Aesthetics Beyond Appearance

The four-day AWE2023 came to an end, but the brilliant exhibits continue to resonate with us. Looking back on the most intensive and cutting-edge exhibition in home appliance and consumer electronics, we strive to reflect on the industry’s progress as it continues to reshape our lifestyles.