Source: ABI.COM (in Chinese)

Haier has seen a year-on-year rise of 171% in sales volume, and 232% in sales of refrigerators in Russia from Jan-May 2017, 5 times faster than the average of the industry, according to its latest released data on May 31, 2017. A marketing officer of Haier’s refrigerators in Russia says, this signals local consumers’ recognition of Haier’s customized services and Haier as a trustworthy brand.

Industry experts believe that this surge comes from three things Haier Refrigerator has done locally: the establishment of user experience centers, customization, and enhanced quality of locally made products.

Personalized customization plays a key role in Haier Refrigerator’s global strategy. In April 2016, Haier Refrigerator established its first refrigerator facility in Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, and a year later, the 1,000,000th refrigerator was officially rolled offline on May 26, 2017. The facility expands Haier Refrigerator’s influence on Russia market, as well as markets in a number of East European countries.

Given the local’s habits of purchasing and storing food in large quantities, Haier rolled out large-capacity, energy efficient smart refrigerators as one of its customization strategies. This, coupled with Haier’s outstanding design and technology, brought Haier great popularity as its refrigerators were placed on market. Using Antibacterial Technology ABT and with flexible compartments, Haier’s refrigerators meet the demand of local consumers.

Considering the average height of local people, Haier’s customized refrigerators are at a height of 1.9 to 2 meters to create better user experience. According to sales data from Jan to May, Haier’s refrigerators at the height of 1.8 meters or higher took a proportion of 70%, and those at the height of 2 meters saw an increased proportion.